AMANS Accessibility Support Program 2023 Annual Report
This annual report covers a nine-month period from June 2022 – March 31, 2023. It provides a summary of the activities undertaken within this time-period, the current status of program initiatives, and explains variances between the current status and the program agreement. Lessons learned and best practices are also discussed and reflected upon, as we look forward to the upcoming year and applying what we’ve learned to make improvements as we move forward.
pdf AMANS Accessibility Support Program 2023 Annual Report (304 KB)
AMANS Municipal Support Needs Survey Findings Report
This report outlines the findings from the Municipal Support Needs Survey that was conducted in the summer of 2022. The survey was designed to collect information from accessibility leads and CAOs to learn what barriers municipalities experienced in developing and implementing their accessibility plan, learn what successes municipalities have had in making accessibility improvements, and learn what supports municipalities need to build capacity in order to meet the commitments laid out in their accessibility plan. The report also provides recommendations on how to support municipalities and villages build capacity to make accessibility improvements moving forward.
pdf AMANS Municipal Accessibility Support Needs Survey Findings Report (559 KB)